Attention Walkers, Hikers, and Explorers: Stop Putting Up With Foot, Ankle, Knee or Hip Pain Forever!!!

"Discover the Secret to Comfortable, Active Living with Custom-Made Foot Orthotics – Your Solution to Preventing Joint Pain and Stiffness from Slowing You Down!"

Dear Frustrated Outdoor Enthusiast,

If you’ve ever wanted to enjoy your hikes, walks, and explorations without being held back by foot, ankle, knee or hip pain, then this will be the most important message you’ll ever read. Because I am going to show you how to

reclaim your freedom to explore without having to deal with the constant nagging aches and pains. But before I do that, let me tell you a story of how I was able to overcome this exact problem...

Like many of you, I lived for the weekends when I could strap on my boots and hit the trails. Yet, not long ago, I found myself sitting on the sidelines, nursing my aching feet and achillies, watching others enjoy the adventures I longed for. The pain became my constant companion, dimming the joy of outdoor activities and leaving me feeling trapped in a body that no longer supported my passions.

After experiencing this debilitating foot and ankle pain,

I decided to do something about it!!!

So, after I was able to overcome the problem and find a solution, I decided it was too significant a discovery to keep to myself. I was finally free from the chains of foot pain, able to walk, hike, and explore as I pleased without a hint of discomfort. The transformation was so profound that it felt like getting a new lease on life. The transformation was night and day. Gone were the days of watching life from the sidelines. I was back on my favourite trails, leading the pack, and planning adventures I once thought were out of my reach. The benefits were immeasurable:

  • Freedom to Roam: My love for the outdoors was reignited, with no trail off-limits.

  • Pain-Free Adventures: The aches that once dictated my limits were a memory, allowing me to explore further and longer.

  • Renewed Confidence: I stepped with assurance, knowing my feet could carry me through any journey

If you too would like to reclaim your freedom to allow you to explore without having to deal with constant nagging aches and pains then start by booking your FREE Biomechanical Assessment at the National Outdoor Expo to see if custom orthotics are suitable for you.

"Are your feet the reason for your aches and pains?"

Find Out More About Custom Foot Orthotics And Discover How Easy It Is To Add One Simple “Made To Measure” Device To YOUR Favourite Shoes And PROTECT Your Vital Joints Whilst Keeping Active And Exercising!…

If you like to keep active and love to feel healthy and you’re looking to find out more about one of the best kept “secrets” in protecting vital joints and easing muscle tension, that will mean you can keep active and exercise with less pain, then this could be one of the most important messages you will ever read. Read on to discover more about prescription Foot Orthotics

Whether you love to take a long walk with friends, like to run with club mates after work, or even play golf on a weekend and hope to make it all the way to the 18th WITHOUT being forced to stop because of nagging joint pain or tight muscles, then you are likely to benefit from the latest foot scanning technology that I have recently invested in, which is now making the most accurate and comfortable Prescription Foot Orthotics in the Midlands.

So How Do Foot Orthotics Help?...

Think of it like this… When cracks appear in a house, or strange noises start happening from floor boards… it’s a warning sign that something might not be right with the foundations of that house and it’s not going to be long before you’re going to need to call in the experts to look at those foundations (or risk the whole house coming crashing down whilst you’re in it).

And your body is much the same… only it’s your FEET which act as the VITAL foundations to important joints and when strange noises like “click, clunks and cracks” start to appear from say your knee back or ankle joints, if they don’t get looked at and “firmed up”, they will only get worse.

Adding Custom Foot Orthotics to your shoes and wearing them every day is like propping up your body and giving it some much needed support that is going to let you keep active for longer than anyone else and do it with much less pain.

Tip: If your feet are in the wrong position, then so too are ankle, knee, hip and lower back joints… and if left long enough, neck and shoulder joints are affected too and is often the reason why many people end up with an unhealthy and very funny looking posture that they don’t want.

Custom Foot Orthotics really do help people to active and stay healthy for longer…. the question is:

Why Should You Register For This FREE Biomechanical Assessment At The Outdoor Expo?

  • Speak to an expert member of our team who has helped thousands of people just like you

  • Get a better understanding of WHY you're in pain, why your injuries keep coming back, and why you can't enjoy an active life

  • Discover HOW LONG it will take to fix the problem so you are no longer guessing or worrying about your recovery

  • Find out about the SAFE, PROVEN, and NATURAL treatments most suitable for you which deliver fast-acting, and long-term relief

  • We use state of the art 3D scanning to take accurate images of your feet.

  • We look in-depth and in detail at the position of your knees, lower back, and hips. We check spinal strength, flexibility and muscle strength to see if we can offer any other improvements to those vital health ingredients and we can even take a picture of you to let you see for yourself how bad it may or may not be, and suggest ways for you to improve it and at very least, stop if from getting any worse.

More About The Latest Scanner AND The “Pre-Fitting Consultation” That Will Be Making You Choosing The Right Orthotics EASY And The Health Benefits Guaranteed…

One of the problems that most people have when they invest in just “any old” orthotics or inserts from places like pharmacies bought off the shelf is that they will often fail inside three months. And that is something that I wanted to put a stop too and it’s because I know first hand that if you invest in the right foot orthotics, they can make a HUGE difference to your health and add value to your lifestyle.

So I decided to invest in a state of the art scanner and become the first Physio in the Midlands to bring the Latest Scanning Technology to the region, and give you VERY easy access to it and GUARANTEE that any orthotics you invest in… WILL fit, work and last.

And to GUARANTEE that your Orthotics will work, will last and will add huge value to your life and ability to walk further for longer with less joint pain, I also introduced a very detailed 8 point Physical check that happens right BEFORE you order any orthotics.

We look in-depth and in detail at the position of your knees, lower back, and hips. We check spinal strength, flexibility and muscle strength to see if we can offer any other improvements to those vital health ingredients and we can even take a picture of you to let you see for yourself how bad it may or may not be, and suggest ways for you to improve it and at very least, stop if from getting any worse.

Why do we do all of this (that most others forget)?

…Because we know how important it is to consider ALL of the other joints and muscles and we’ve got to be sure that if we’re going to make a change to the position of your feet, that it’s only going to have a POSITIVE impact on other parts of your body that will let you walk further or keep active for longer, with less pain or fear.

And so far it’s been hugely successful!...

Sounds great, doesn’t it?

But don’t take my word for it, here’s what customers from all over the country are saying about our Custom Prescription Foot Orthotics.........

How Much Are You Willing To Invest To Stop “Wear And Tear” Of Joints From INHIBITING Your Long Term Health AND Your Ability To Maintain An Active And “On The Go Family Lifestyle” …

It’s true that Custom Orthotics are NOT cheap.

And that’s because of the (PROVEN) health and lifestyle benefits they can ADD to your life, the precision detail that goes into making them by expert Lab technicians to make sure they FIT (you) and LAST (your lifetime), and the expensive scanning technology that is needed, just to be able to start making them.

Reality is that Custom Foot Orthotics ARE NOT for everyone.

They’re only for very serious and health conscious individuals, likely to be in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s who care more about their health, than the money it costs to maintain it.

The Custom Orthotics I’m able to offer you are made from a new scanning technology that produce the most accurate foot orthotics of their kind and the reality is that NO person who likes to be healthy can afford NOT to consider investing in at least one pair.

Anyone considering making an investment in Custom Foot Orthotics should know that the benefits are guaranteed AND that they DO last a lifetime, or you don’t pay for them. If you do choose to invest a pair of prescription foot orthotics from me, you are covered by a very firm LIFETIME guarantee that we will always correct them for you if you’re not happy, or give you all of your money back if you just think you got it wrong by investing in a pair.

And besides, most people are actually able to SAVE money as a result of wearing Custom Orthotics in their shoes, anytime they step out.

Why You Will Save Money By Wearing Prescription Orthotics

Please don’t overlook the significant and positive impact that having your (vital) ankle, knee, hip and lower back joints aligned will have upon reducing “wear and tear” as well as easing tension in muscles meaning you’re MORE likely to stay OUT of a Physio Room, Chiropractic or Osteopath clinic meaning less BILLS and away from prescriptions for painkillers.

And if you’ve ever gone and bought “off the shelf” type inserts from a local Pharmacy or shoe store, you’ll know that they rarely work like you hoped, and they certainly don’t last and the cost of replacing them, soon mounts up.

We offer a RANGE of different orthotics to suit different needs, shoes and feet styles, there is not one set price that we can display on this webpage. If you’d like to know the cost of the foot orthotics which will work best for you, then please contact the clinic

The more we know about you the more we can help you and it lets us customise an immediate return message with the exact cost of the specific orthotics you’re interested in wearing.

Right now, you have two choices:

You can either continue to let pain disrupt your passion for the outdoors, costing you not just in terms of physical discomfort but also in missed experiences and adventures. Or you can take action today, right now, by booking your biomechanical assessment to see if Custom Prescription Foot Orthotics are right for you and start enjoying your hikes and walks to the fullest, just as nature intended.

This choice is yours. Imagine being able to explore without limitations, to wake up excited for the day’s adventure without the shadow of foot pain looming over you.

You can start solving this problem instantly when you take action and book your Biomechanical Assessment at the Expo

So, book today, right now, while it’s still hot on your mind, and be prepared to rediscover the joy of outdoor adventures!


Phil Evans

P.S. Imagine being able to hike, walk, and explore as you once did, or perhaps even better than before. Custom Prescription Foot Orthotics are created to enable you to enjoy the outdoors free from pain as fast as possible. The best part is you're backed by my 100% satisfaction guarantee. So book today!